Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Been really busy, yesterday did WATP. Today I walked outside 4201 at 40 minutes aerobic steps. I get over 10,000 steps on the days I walk and work. Only on Fridays it's hard to get that many. Been eating good and logging in foods at Spark people. Link is at the bottom of my blog.

Gotta run to work, be back later.


Shannon's YOAD Journey said...

WTG Chari! Keep up the great work. Don't you LOVE Spark People? It's been wonderful for tracking my intake. Elizabeth, I "met her" through Rich's blog, led me to that site. I'm ShannoninAZ over there. I belong to the "You On A Diet" and "Waist Management" groups. I started SP about a week ago. It's a great partner for YOAD. I LOVE it!
Great job on the exercise! Keep it up, YOU are WORTH IT!

Chari said...

Shannon I don't think your sparkpeople is public, you have to set it up that way, I can see Elizabeth's but not yours. I left a note in Rich's blog, he asked about spark people in your blog a few post back and no one answered him, hope that was ok.
Thanks for the encouragment!

I'll come over to your blog and check on ya!