Thursday, November 22, 2007


Animations provided by

Just wanna wish everyone a wonderful Holiday!


Vinyl Bozz said...

Thanx and I hope you had
a great Holiday as well! :)

Take care..


Oh, the Blogchalk is interesting.
I'll look into adding that to mine.

Chari said...

I had a nice Holiday Marshall. I found the blogchalk on a fellow foodies blog, it is suppose to get more Google spiders to crawl your blog....I wouldn't mind a bit more traffic even though I don't have adds. What was up with that filthy entry on your blog tag board....crazy spams!
Check ya later....

Shannon's YOAD Journey said...

Hi Chari!!
LTNS! I hope you had an amazing holiday! Things were good here in AZ.
Keep on, keeping on!!
Hugs from AZ,

Vinyl Bozz said...

Yup, I saw it and removed it.

My site is already spidered through
Google but I will still look into it.

My wife and I are about to go out for breakfast.

Have a great weekend!

Chari said...

Thanks Marshall, you have a great weekend also!

Hi Shannon...for real long time no see. I look at your blog almost every day looking for action, I know you are busy. I had a nice Holiday and hope you did also!

I'll be checking on you.