Tuesday, November 20, 2007

202.6 Journaling

Weight will now be in the title daily till I get sick of it, as it stands right now I am .2 more then posted weigh in on 11-3....very sad that I haven't lost anything in 17 days.

Did 20 minutes on the track no running, arms and back, and 17 minutes elliptical HIIT. (500) calories burnt and eating was good no more then 1,400 calories.

This week going to be hard with the Holiday, but will still weigh in. Gotta get back to using Calorie King, right now I just keep track in my head.

Started back on the psyllium husks seed powder, tummy is grumbling. Maybe I'll re-think it. I take 1 T in water with cinnamon.

That's it for now..be back tomorrow.