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Monday, December 10, 2007


Working out today for the first time since last Tues.


Anonymous said...

Hi Chari!

I hope you're doing well. I know how hard it is to get going on the exercise...I have an elliptical machine right in my house, and I still find excuses to avoid it!

Slowly but surely, you will get there. My weight loss is slow compared to others, too, but just keep with it.

Every pound lost adds up. I only lose an average of about 1.25 pounds a week. Some months only 2 or 3 pounds. But after time, it adds up. Now I've lost 42 pounds since April.

Let's just say the bright side of this is that you really learn to eat right because you have to do it for so long it just becomes a WOL. LOL!

Keep with it...you will succeed!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by Barb. Things are slow right now with the impending Holiday's. I'll kick it back in high gear after the first of the year. I can't go to the gym because my DD will be out of school on Wednesday and I have minor surgery on my leg last Thursday and Doc, said to lay low for a bit so I don't rip the stitches.
I have been eating on plan but I can not lose weight if I do not exercise, must be the thyroid and my age.
Hope all is well with you and your family , Happy Chanukah!

Love you