Thursday, November 15, 2007


My eating has been good the last two days, my weight has been up and down within the same two pounds for ten days...something has got to give, re-thinking my eating plan and upping the works outs. Howz come it's so easy to put it on and so hard to get rid of it?

Today I did 20 minutes warm up on the track, 25 minutes vigorous Nautilus weight machines and 20 minutes fat burn on the elliptical. Burned over 500 calories. I will see a change in weight tomorrow. I think I am eating to many grains.

Been making changes to the blog and I am finally understanding CSS. It was just the hardest thing to change the background color of my blog...but after lots of looking on the internet with no luck..I looked for something in my Html that looked right and started messing with the codes and viola!

Maybe some day I can write a tutorial-he he